Thursday, July 21, 2011

Binghamton...babies and blueberry picking

It's nice but a little strange to be back in Binghamton, albeit a little temporarily.  I've been seeing friends I haven't seen in a year (or years) and got an exclusive tour of the ED I started at 5 years ago - the beautiful new beds and spacious rooms completely different, and a staff I have dearly missed.
I'm at peace back, knowing that my place is no longer here, and so I'm able to simply enjoy things one moment at a time.  The last few days have been a simpler life: homemade pizza and a movie, blueberry picking with friends in the sunshine surrounded by the rolling greenness and cut-grass smells of the Southern Tier, singing 7-month-old Shawn to sleep as he fretfully chews on my thumb, curling up with a good book in between studying for ACLS, time to rest and enjoy God and his blessings.
It's a refreshingly peaceful pause in the middle of a wildly intense summer.  All I need now is a good place to put up the hammock...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just a quick note from the 'Beachy clan...' Joseph will be departing tomorrow evening for 10 months of study in Jordan. Johanna, his older sister, (I am not sure if the two of you have actually met face-to-face yet or not) is awaiting final review from the ship medical staff to be able to book her September flights to Sierra Leone where she will be serving in the OR. And then the younger sister, Joy, will be leaving in mid-September for YWAM New York and on to an outreach in India & Nepal early in 2012. We will almost literally be at the four corners of the earth.

    I'm glad that you will be serving together with Johanna!!

    Dad Beachy ('Poppa Schmo')

  3. Hi lovely! I'm glad you're enjoying life in general and even though we miss you lots here you know we're supporting you!! :) Come back not-too-long-from-now :D

  4. Poppa Schmo! Good to hear the family is doing well, and I'll be praying for your many adventures :-) Looking forward to meeting Johanna soon!
