Sunday, June 10, 2012

pink sheets

Scorn has broken my heart and has left me helpless; I looked for sympathy, but there was none, for comforters, but I found none.  ~Psalm 69:20                              
20M - jaw osteomyelitis, non-surgical, referred to dental.  21F - breast cancer - nonsurgical.  56M - hypertension and inguinal hernia; referred to local doctor for hypertension, wait listed for hernia repair.  2M - inguinal hernia; wait list.  Lipomas, cancers, goiters and physical assaults, urinary incontinence and tumors and hernias and more hernias.
Names cut off the top of the pink pre-hospital paperwork, each page gives an age, a problem, a reason we couldn't help.  The opening few notes of a requiem, ended before the story is ever told.  There are hundreds of pages, each one a life.
These are the people that made it past the pre-screeners and into the stadium on screening day.  The ones who maybe came onto the ship for an Xray or scan, or who saw one of our surgeons for evaluation.  The ages and problems are varied but the conclusions are the same - we could not do surgery for them during this outreach.  The space on the surgery schedule is limited, and not everything can be cured simply by cutting it out.  
We come testifying hope in Jesus' name, regardless of physical appearance or medical diagnosis or community position.  Often our patients understand that hope as they begin to see something tangible change in themselves, as they see people willing to reach out to them despite their appearance, and as they realize that after surgery they can re-enter their village and community with dignity.
For this pile of life, the spark of hope they had for a possible change in their condition with surgery was not realized.  We in our limitations can only touch the few, and must trust God with the rest.
Please pray for healing for each of these patients represented by a pink screening sheet.  We claim  hope for them from a God who has promised to hear and save his people.
The poor will see and be glad - you who seek God, may your hearts live!  The Lord hears the needy and does not despise his captive people.  ~ Psalm 69: 32-33

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