Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dr. Seuss and the fizzy mango

Dr. Seuss and the Fizzy Mango: A bedtime story from Africa*
     by Heather Klassen, Laura Coles, and Trudi Attema

Travel to the beach and see
How fun my Africa can be!

Would you do what we have done?
Try it, try it, you’ll have fun!

Did you say no boats today?
No public boats today you say?

Are you sure you tell us true?
“Trust me, I no lie to you!”

800,000 we won’t pay,
These Fotay will just walk away!

Bargain, bargain, bargain more,
Check the price with three or four!

Would you could you stay afloat
 Maybe you should bail your boat?

Would you could you keep bread dry
When the waves are splashing high?

Would you stop along the way
With some local children play?

Would you could you go exploring,
Following the ocean’s roaring?

Would you down a cliff backpack-it,
Padded by an orange lifejacket

Camp out on a hidden beach,
Hotel comforts out of reach.

Would you could you in the dirt
Would you could you in a skirt?

Would you could you sleep in trees?
Swaying in the ocean breeze?

Would you hammock in a tree?
Disney princess you could be.

Would you climb in upside down
Eighteen inches off the ground?

Eighteen inches do you say?
No, we’ll hang them high today!

Chase a crab in rising tide,
From your headlamp he will hide.

Gaze at stars up in the sky, 
Rock to baboon lullaby!

Fizzy mango would you eat?
Or some donuts from the street?

Do not eat your street food bland!
Please add spices (and some sand)

Would you could you in the sun?
Coffee on the beach is fun!

Would you could you in a boat, 
Would you could you with a goat?

Would you could you wade through muck,
garbage, fish and not get stuck?

You would not could not, so you say, 
Try it, try it and you may!

Travel to the beach and see
How fun my Africa can be!

 *Based completely on a true story...I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Say, now I see.
    How much fun your Africa can be!

    Perhaps Green Eggs and Ham shall be our feast,
    When you return to Commune East.

    Until then keep serving the King,
    And to Him all glory and honor bring.
